We’ve all had a busy week, and a busy weekend. And finally today is our day off, even if it is Monday.

On our previous days off we have explored the sights of West Manggarai, taking in the beautiful sunsets and the secret pools

Our first plan was to continue exploring today. We had heard about some nearby waterfalls of Cunca Wulang and Cunca Rami. But as we instigated these places more, we learned that there had been little rainfall recently and so the waterfalls were only a trickle. 

We decided on a new plan! Instead of getting to know the places around Labuan Bajo, we would spend some time getting to know the people! We wanted to learn more about what it is like to live in this rapidly changing World Heritage area. 

It was interesting to talk to these people, who all have stories of how Labuan Bajo has grown quickly from a small, sleepy fishing town in recent years. Most people we talked to were happy with these changes that have brought new jobs and livelihoods to the area. But they are also concerned about the future, and how this growth will impact the unique local ecosystems and cultures. 

We’ve been talking a lot about sustainable tourism over the past few weeks. For me it was interesting to think more about how local people are affected by sustainable tourism. 

Despite our day off, we have learned some new perspectives. And we’ve also recharged our energy ready for our final week ahead.

Chatarina Rika

Chatarina Rika

Diver with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in Food Processing, Food Safety Management System, Public Speaking, Food Technology, and Scuba Diving. Strong operations professional with a 2015 focused in Food Technology and Processing from Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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