Manta rays are listed as “vulnerable” in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. To address the threats facing manta rays, conservation efforts must be based on sound science if they are to be effective and efficient.
Our Ocean Research and Conservation programs aim to enhance scientific understanding of manta rays, and their interactions within their ecosystems and with man.
Our MantaWatch photo tagging project is designed to be easy and fun for anyone to get involved. With no specialist training, equipment or costs, divers and snorkelers can make an important contribution to marine conservation by simply doing what they already do: taking photos of manta rays! Your manta photos enable our scientists to monitor and map manta populations, and target conservation efforts where they are needed most.
Our campaign to improve manta ray management and conservation is raising awareness about the issues and threats facing this majestic creature and its ocean environment. Our members and supporters are building the social and political momentum to effect change.
And our manta watching code of conduct is designed to help you enjoy longer and more spectacular manta encounters, while minimising your impacts.