There’s only one week of our internship remaining, and we are all working hard to finish all our tasks.

Today Satria and I stayed in class to work on our third video diary. We have many ideas to make our videos even more interesting, and this week we have a lot more footage to choose from, as we’ve met many more people and dive operators! Finally the video is complete, and we just need to preview it with the other interns. Its been a long day, but in the process I learned some new skills about time management and productivity!

manta ray

So many mantas they block the sun

The other MantaWatch Interns went to Karang Makassar with Bajo Dive to hunt for manta ID photos. They gave a manta presentation to the guests, and their enthusiasm gives more energy to see mantas.

The mantas are really back now, appearing one by one soon after the team entered the water. It’s a mini courtship, and most of the mantas recorded today are male. As the mating season has only just begun, I hope that I can see courtship behaviour on my next dive.

In just one dive, our team recorded 10 ID photos today! No wonder everyone is so happy and excited!

manta ray

The mantas were watching us today!

Vidlia Rosady

Vidlia Rosady

Project Coordinator

Vidlia earned her B.Sc. Marine Science from Padjadjaran University. After successfully completing MIP-2013 she participated in MIP-2015 and MIP-2016 as a trainer and mentor. Vidlia received a Conservation Leadership Programme Future Conservationist Award to investigate Indonesia’s mobula ray fisheries, during which she had the opportunity to participate in conservation leadership and communication training at the […]

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