After a full week of activities, we finally have a day off! A time to relax, and to stay home all day.

We thought about travelling to Wae Rebo, or maybe to Rinca Island, but in the end we decided to rest and stay home. But today was not a lazy day.

In the morning we did some house cleaning, laundry, and prepare a delicious lunch. In the afternoon we sat together to brainstorm and develop the script for our weekly video. Then we decided to travel to Bajo Bakery to film some sections of our video (and to eat some tasty snacks!).

The filming went well, but took a lot of time, and before long the sky became too dark for filming. But never mind, because we could still record some audio.

Finally, after a productive day off, we visited the dive operators to check their schedules. Tomorrow Wedi will be surveying Manta Point.

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