Join MantaWatch

Join MantaWatch today, and pledge your support for manta conservation.

As a MantaWatch member you will be able to:

  • Choose to receive our latest news and updates.
  • Participate in the comments and discussions on this site.
  • Submit your manta encounters and ID photos.
  • Access occasional special offers, downloads and other cool gifts.

The best thing, MantaWatch membership is and always will be entirely free.

Register Now!

Why do I need to register?

We ask you to register for the site for several reasons.

  1. By registering you are pledging your support for manta conservation. Our growing list of supporters is an important negotiating tool for manta conservation.
  2. By registering, your Manta Encounter reports will be assigned to your username, allowing us to track and report your personal stats.
  3. By registering, we are able to keep in touch with you, and provide you with the latest hot news and project updates.

How can I register?

We recommend all our members to register with us using Facebook. It’s quicker, easier and cheaper for you and for us, see why below.

However we recognise that not everyone wants to use Facebook. So we offer alternatives including Twitter, and direct registration on our site.

Why do you use Facebook?

We decided to build our membership platform around Facebook for several reasons.

Firstly, and most importantly, it’s easier for you. You don’t need to remember yet another username and password for our site. And you can receive our latest updates alongside all your other messages in Facebook.

Secondly it’s easier for us. We are a small organisation, and we prefer to use our resources where they are needed most. Developing a membership platform is expensive in terms of money, time, servers and manpower. Facebook have already done this hard work, so we decided to take advantage of it.

And finally, using Facebook allows us to leverage their 500 million + strong user base to raise awareness and support for manta conservation. We hope that when you “like” a story on MantaWatch, it will encourage your friends to also read. By raising awareness about the threats facing manta rays, we can begin to make a real difference.

Do you collect my personal information information?

When you sign up through Facebook or Twitter, we collect your name and email address. We ask for exactly the same information if you sign up through our site.

Your personal information is linked to your Manta Encounter reports when you upload them. This enables us to keep track of who has seen what, and to provide you with your personal Manta Encounter statistics.

We may also send you newsletters and updates via email from time to time, but you can opt out of this service at any time.

Do you share my personal information with anyone?

Absolutely not. We hate spammers as much as you. We guarantee that we will not pass your personal data on to anyone.

We will send you updates and newsletters from time to time. These may include messages or branding from our sponsors. These messages always come directly from us, and you can opt out of them at any time.

Should you decide to cancel your registration at MantaWatch, we will delete your data from our communications lists.

There is one caveat. Your details will be permanently linked with any manta ID photos you have submitted, even if you cancel your registration. This is to enable us to fully analyze and audit our data, and to get in touch with you if we need to ask for more information.