These young marine conservationists and future leaders have reached the final round of selection for the 2017 MantaWatch Internship Program. Now we need your help to select the four applicants that have what it takes to become 2017 MantaWatch Interns.

This year we’ve again teamed up with Guy’s Trust to offer four fully funded scholarships to MIP-2017. MIP is a professional development program specifically designed for exceptional Indonesian students embarking on a career in marine conservation, research or management. The four interns will work alongside MantaWatch experts, gaining professional experience and training whilst playing a key role in our conservation, education and outreach programs.

Help us select the four 2017 MantaWatch Interns by clicking ‘Recommend” on the candidates you think have what it takes to become marine conservation ambassadors and future leaders.

Alzilzal Nanda Putra

Alzilzal Putra

Axel Ivander

Axel Ivander

Haifa H Jasmin

Haifa Jasmin

Ida Asyari Utomo

Ida Utomo

Syenit Enita

Syenit Enita

Willy Angraini

Willy Angraini

Wedi Andika

Wedi Andika

Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey

CEO & Founder

Andrew Harvey is a marine conservation scientist specialising in biodiversity monitoring, marine protected areas and community conservation. He is the founder of MantaWatch, an organisation that is applying emerging social technologies to raise awareness and develop tools for manta ray conservation.

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