The sun is shining brightly, the wind blowing gently, and the calendar reads June 8. It’s World Oceans Day. A day when all around our blue planet people celebrate and honour the ocean that links us all.

Some people mark World Oceans Day by campaigning to raise awareness about marine issues. Others simply take time to enjoy the beauty and wonder of our ocean ecosystem. But here in Komodo, we’re embarking on something much more ambitious!

Dive Around the World is a near simultaneous dive in 11 locations worldwide. We’re joining divers in the UK, USA, Indonesia, East Timor, Philippines, Chile and Egypt for this special event.

And most importantly we’re joining Guy’s Trust. The purpose of Dive Around the World is raise awareness about the great work that Guy’s Trust are doing to provide educational opportunities to young people around the world, and the important role of education in safeguarding the future of our oceans and our planet. Guy’s Trust support the MantaWatch Internship Program for young marine leaders through the Guy Joseph MantaWatch Awards.

At each location, divers will take one letter into the water with them. Around the world, these letters will spell G-U-Y-S-T-R-U-S-T. Here in Komodo National Park, we have the letter “R”!

We’re joined by divers from Dive Komodo, Divine Diving and Wicked Diving, and we’re off to have fun beneath the waves!





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Anindita Rustandi

Anindita Rustandi

Anindita earned a B.Sc. Marine Science from the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Indonesia. After successfully completing MIP-2012, she joined MantaWatch as a Stakeholder Liaison Officer, and participated in MIP-2014 and MIP-2015 as a trainer and mentor. She was awarded a Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) fellowship by the US State Department, and had the […]

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